They helped keep his life of service alive. “I dug through the archives, found the yearbook. That’s when I saw the picture of him taken in the backyard of his family home in Hudson Falls. It’s the only photo of Holmes from a full page from the high school yearbook. He was kno...
I've also put on a couple of exhibits for school classes studying WW2 history. When a 14-year old is holding a M1 Garand rifle while looking at a map of Europe showing just how far many soldiers had to go, while carrying and using that rifle to stay alive, there is a real lear...
When the very real Abduls turn up in your front room….sorry, your shul, doing a bit of that freedom fighting on your little Brussels sprouts and going all guerilla on the blue rinses of your old dears, there may be one or two of them left who will say a Kaddish for you on the v...
There’s a very usefulinformal chartletof the Ray Sands channel available on theCrossing The Thameswebsite. It’s from surveys done in Aug/Sept 2022. We crossed the shallowest part of the Ray Sands channel at 1000, with plenty of water to spare so we went straight from Ray Sands Middle ...
By day, meals were served there to a number of British soldiers and civilians, who were waited on by staff of German domestics, but by 10 PM, the last of the domestic staff left and any of the soldiers or civilians who remained were usually out by 11 PM… I was awakened from sleep...
It’s only just midday, and there is barely enough water. The real reason I’d wanted to leave London so early was to make sure we’d have time in hand to enjoy the fine view from the café in the top floor of the Old Granary. Now an antiques market, this five-storey structure ...
yeah, I think in the West we've gone a bit far with the law suits but China is just lagging way too far behind. All my phd students do large amounts of unpaid overtime (well over the legal limit) an dthere's nothing they can do. Sick. ...
If there are any games you are backing or intend to back let us know what you like, who knows maybe you will convince others to hop on board with you! If there is a kickstarter game you feel is appropriate for this list that is absent feel free to make an addition to this list ...
Wrigley observes that when coal was added to the economy, it was possible to make far more metal tools than had been made in the past. With the use of metal tools instead of wood tools, farmers could be three times as productive. Thus, there didn’t need ...
There’s a lot of media attention right now regarding Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, their children, and supposed racism in the Royal Family. This topic is and has been blowing up within the mainstream media, but we never really hear about Royal Family pedophilia within...