Remember that these changes will not happen overnight and there will be a period of time when nothing seems to be happening. This is why the goals need to be detailed and as specific as possible with a consequence and benefit.Allow some time on a daily basis to educate yourself on how ...
very limited pieces of the story and that’s assuming the media cares to capture any of the truth. A good example is a bodycam. A video is not as accurate as it appears. There is a lot happening when we respond to a call and the cameras do not pick ...
Suffice it to say, there are many things happening all at once now, and the powder keg that nearly everyone is watching warily, just waiting for a match to hit it, is already on fire and getting ready to blow sky high.When it fully blows, this entire nation will be on fire, much ...
Banned in the UK in 1984 for its sexually explicit lyrics, the controversy surrounding the song propelled it to the number 1 slot in the UK charts and kept it there for four weeks. The story goes that BBC Radio One DJ Mike Read was playing the dance single Relax and whilst doing so, ...
Are Local Police to Blame? with Riots and Killings Happening in Cities in the Wake of the Deaths of Young Black Men, Political Elites Are Calling for Nationalizing Local Police, but What Would That Actually Do?[ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] Harlem (1964). Watts (1965). East Coast, West Coast. A...
propane bottles, I rest each on a knee speeding to the store. I certainly had no helmet and carrying two bombs is less than appealing, but it cost less than it would have in Panama and there are no riots in the streets or tear gas or bullets flying by or Molotov Cocktails…it’s ...
When the very real Abduls turn up in your front room….sorry, your shul, doing a bit of that freedom fighting on your little Brussels sprouts and going all guerilla on the blue rinses of your old dears, there may be one or two of them left who will say a Kaddish for you on the ...
A pattern has emerged that is undeniable. Companies that choose to “go woke” are going broke. In fact, this is even happening to some of the largest and most famous corporations in the entire country. There is a huge portion of the population that absolutely hates having “woke” propagan...
There are also signs that any attack by Russia would take place simultaneously with a North Korean move on South Korea. In what looks like preparation for war, North Korea is importing huge amounts of fuel for military vehicles from Russia. At least five North Korean tankers sailed this month...
During his hearing last week, Patel declined to provide any details on his testimony as part of Smith’s investigation. Democrats are hoping that their request to DOJ for those materials can be bipartisan. “Although there is no legal prohibition barring Mr. Patel from discussing the testimony ...