Why are there so many GOP debates?Karen Tumulty
“More hay was put out, more feed put out, and (there is) more cost because of that,” Anderson said. He added that even though the losses will be costly to cattle and poultry producers, because Texas also has out-of-state suppliers, “oftentimes, storms like this cause some short-...
Yes, there were moments when things felt like they were going off the rails. The much vaunted “muted mics” were turned on more often than not. But compare and contrast tonight with the robotic reading out of questions from CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash at the Ju...
There are a few caveats here: We tried to be thorough, but we could have missed some debates. And there are still three weeks for candidates to add debates to this year’s schedule. Of course, there is also time for currently scheduled debates to be canceled. ...
Whether this is the result of us becoming better at making predictions or the result of elections becoming more predictable is another question altogether. But there is some evidence for the former conclusion. The Cook Political Report used to have a general policy that required unindi...
And for those who do not need or want any more things, there are many non-profits to which even small donations can have significant impact. To ensure a non-profit is using the majority of the donations they receive for their mission, I turn to Nicholas Kristof’s website KristofImpact....
"Our politics is now so driven by culture," he explained. "When people no longer see a way out politically, they'll choose alternative strategies to pursue their agenda. I don't think there's any question that there will be more violence going forward." ...
South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott abruptly announced that he’sleaving the 2024 race,ending his campaign to become the first Black candidate to secure the GOP nomination. “I love America more today than I did on May 22,” Scott told Fox News Channel’sSunday Night in America. “But when I...
In policy debates about the pros and cons of free trade, writes Nicolas Lamp in a new research paper, there arethree predominant narratives: Trumpism, establishment economics, and reformism(SSRN). It’s impossible to show empirically that one narrative is correct and the other two false, becau...
And I’m sure there will be a lot of people who will look to see what Cherry Hill is all about as a result of this,” Peterson said. I think Peterson may have overestimated how many New Jerseyans who aren’t lobbyists or journalists watch floor debates on affordable ho...