Do amphibians live in freshwater? Are clownfish amphibians? Are skinks reptiles or amphibians? Is a bullfrog a reptile or amphibian? Do amphibians lay their eggs in water? Are spiders reptiles or amphibians? Are amphibians and reptiles mammals?
Are there coral reefs in the Mediterranean? Are coral reefs biotic or abiotic? Do all corals build reefs? Is the Arctic Ocean freshwater or saltwater? Do seahorses live in coral reefs? Do lionfish live in coral reefs? Do clownfish live in coral reefs? Is coral in a pelagic zone? Do puff...
Clownfish in the Reef Aquarium Clownfish are one of the most recognizable types of saltwater aquarium fish.MOST RECENT ARTICLESTHE BASICS OF FRESHWATER FISH COMPATIBILITY Whether you are new to the aquarium hobby or not, there are a few things you should know about freshwater fish compatibility. ...
From the literature, it is clear that there are significant welfare issues regarding exotic pets, and a general lack of knowledge of, or disregard for, their needs. For example, a survey of knowledge regarding reptiles among 50 pet shop managers in the United Kingdom found that information gen...
In freshwater ponds and lakes however, pollutants can become concentrated, whereas in the open ocean – even in bays and estuaries – chemicals become quickly diluted. Thus effect of man-made chemicals on fish sex been little studied. “But just because very few people have looked at this in...
Are cartilaginous fish generally freshwater species? Are sea urchins benthos? Do bony fish have scales? Is a seahorse a vertebrate or invertebrate? Are squid nekton? Are fish amphibians or reptiles? Is a dolphin an amphibian or reptile? Are there any marine amphibians? Is a sea urchin a verte...
Coral reefs are important habitats. Scientists who research reefs and the organisms that live in and around them have determined that reefs are more diverse than any other marine habitat.Answer and Explanation: Coral reefs are mostly made up of animals. When the coral dies, it leaves a hard ...
Are there any coral reefs in the Arctic Ocean? Do stingrays live in coral reefs? Do coral reefs absorb carbon dioxide? Can coral reefs and coral habitats be restored? Do clownfish live in coral reefs? Do crabs live in coral reefs? Do starfish live in coral reefs? Are coral nekton? Do ...
Are there any coral reefs in the Arctic Ocean? What marine organisms are not common in oyster reefs? What is the phylum of coral? Are there coral reefs in the Mediterranean? What do clownfish eat in the coral reef? What eats crabs in the coral reef? Does avobenzone harm coral reefs? Do...
Are coral reefs freshwater or saltwater? Do coral reefs clean the ocean? Are coral reefs ecosystems? Are there any coral reefs in the Arctic Ocean? Are coral reefs alive? Are coral in the mesopelagic zone? Do coral reefs need sunlight? Is algae a keystone species for coral reefs? Do fish...