outside Waco, Texas. The community was occupied by a sect called the Branch Davidians, who were led by a man named David Koresh. The raid resulted in a shootout in which four federal agents and six Davidians were killed.
In my house growing up, we would never have anything but Hellmann's Mayonnaise in the refrigerator. That brand loyalty still exists today, now in our household. However, I think I might have found a brand of mayonnaise that tastes just like Hellmann's? Enter Burman's real mayonnaise - the...
In 1942, learning of a show that was canceled, he pitched People are Funny to NBC, and it went on the air April 10, 1942 with Art Baker as host. In a popular first-season stunt, a man was assigned to register a trained seal at the Knickerbocker Hotel while explaining that the seal ...