Is the Taliban Shia or Sunni? Who founded Al-Qaeda? What is the Bosporus? What countries surround Syria? Who are the Criollo people? Who are the Catalans? Is Iraq an oligarchy? What are the national symbols of Iraq? Who are the Celtic people?
What was once a secular, diverse and peaceful nation, was looking more like it was on its way to becoming the next Afghanistan; its people living under Taliban-style rule as jihadists took over more land and conquered more cities. Effects of foreign meddling outweigh self-determination If you...
we branded him from the start a communist. Flash forward to Iraq, where we fundamentally didn’t understand that the country’s nationalism was very complicated because it had these three communities — the Shia, the Sunni, and the Kurds — who hated each other, who had never really been ...
Are Kurds Muslim? Are Kurds Arab? Are Kurds Persian? Are Yazidis Kurds? Is the Taliban Shia or Sunni? What is the difference between Shiite and Sunni and Kurds? Are Kurds Christian? Are Kurds Semitic? Are Kurds Jewish? Are Kurds European? Are Kurds Caucasian? Who are the Iraqi Kurds? Is...
[Iraq’s madman Shia outcast finally goes over the edge and joins forces with Saudi Arabia and UAE. The Saudis have obviously bought him off, in order to split the Shia into warring halves, mirroring the split within all Sunni factions, between Wahhabi/takfiri Sunnis and normal peace-loving...
What religion are the Kurds in Syria? What are people from Iceland called? Is Iraq an oligarchy? People from Manipur are called Are Kurds Muslim? Do the Kurds have their own country? Are Iranian Kurds Sunni or Shia? Are Kurds Semitic? Why don't the Kurds have a country? What is Iraq...
There is nothing new or surprising in the news of a split among ranks of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), as it had been in the process since November last year, when TTP’s head Hakimullah Mehsud was killed in a drone attack. While many see this split as a major blow to the...
“We, the Saudi family are cousins of the Jews.Category Archives: image of the beast Brit Press Amplifies the Lie of “Taliban Independence From Pakistan” Posted on March 15, 2016 by therearenosunglasses [Taliban (religious students) have always been tools of the CIA and the ISI, ther...
What was once a secular, diverse and peaceful nation, was looking more like it was on its way to becoming the next Afghanistan; its people living under Taliban-style rule as jihadists took over more land and conquered more cities. Effects of foreign meddling outweigh self-determination If you...
Fighting words:“We should make an immediate statement of our resolve that we no longer intend to tolerate sanction given to our enemies by any nation…Should the Taliban refuse our demand, then they must know that they will be treated as allies of our enemy, and, thus, are themselves our...