that (just like Pakistan), wants Israel wiped off the map. There were plenty of Pakistan flags being waved – but these were not the only ones visible. Here is an image of someone with the flag of Afghanistan – another Islamist hellhole (currently back in the hands of the Taliban): ...
In her native Swat, where the Pakistani Taliban occasionally forbade girls from attending school, she is renowned for advocating for human rights, particularly the education of women and children. Former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi called her Pakistan’s “most prominent citizen” after her ...
The US overthrew the Taliban government in three weeks, and Al-Qaeda lost their base in Afghanistan. They have never recovered a similar base. They migrated to Western Pakistan to some degrees in the tribal areas, and they tried to reform a base there, but i...
period. Any talk of peace with the Taliban, while remaining in Afghanistan, have been one-sided productions, offering various former Taliban as “negotiators,” to advance some new shift in the strategy, in order to reinforce the false image of a “peace-seeking” American, while making it ...
Uriya Shavit“Muslimsarethe NewJews”in theWest:Reflectionson ContemporaryParallelismsThisarticleexaminesaspectrumof contemporarytextsbyMuslimessayists,scholars, andactivistsbasedin theArab world,in Europe,andin theUnitedStatesthatcomparativelyanalyzedJewishexperiencesinthe West as invaluablelessonsforMuslim...
"(published byPharos Media) says a nationwide network of Hindutva terror that has its tentacles spread up to Nepal and Israelis out to destroy the India most Indians have known for ages and to remould it into some kind of Afghanistan under the Taliban....
Afghan men wear a variety of turbans, and even within the Taliban, the strict Islamic government that controls much of the country, there are differences in the way men cover their heads. For example, he may wear a very long turban … perhaps two twined together … with one end hanging ...
Tamil National Alliance actions deeply disappoints the western world: congratulates Taliban in the hope of a safe haven for renewed Terrorist training Posted onAugust 20, 2021byltteagents M.A. Sumanthiran & R. Sambanthan Share this: Twitter ...
What was once a secular, diverse and peaceful nation, was looking more like it was on its way to becoming the next Afghanistan; its people living under Taliban-style rule as jihadists took over more land and conquered more cities. Effects of foreign meddling outweigh self-determination If you...
Thus it may be more appropriate to compare current operations against Islamic State with the 78-day air campaign against Serbian forces and their proxies in 1999, or the 75-day air campaign in Afghanistan that was instrumental in forcing the Taliban out of power in 2001. Both campaigns relied...