While that data suggests enrollment growth among some underrepresented groups, barriers to medical school persist for many minority students. Recognizing that increased diversity among doctors leads to better health and health equity, the AAMC calls significantly increasing diversit...
Moore, Janet
Pre-medical -- or pre-med -- programs help to prepare students for the Medical College Admission Test -- known as the MCAT -- and the medical school curriculum. Some undergraduate programs may have a pre-med major or degree, and some may simply provide it as an educational track to ...
his or her schools of interest. "Applying undecided is perfectly fine for a student who has a liberal arts interest and really doesn’t know what he or she wants to study," says Chuck Hughes, founder of Road to College, which helps prospective students around the world get into school. ...
As animals explore an environment, the hippocampus is thought to automatically form and maintain a place code by combining sensory and self-motion signals. Instead, we observed an extensive degradation of the place code when mice voluntarily disengaged f
There is increasing demand for professional practice placement opportunities, supported by health professional educators, to enable future health workforce development. Early career health professionals performing the educator role is one strategy that can help meet this demand. However, there is a need ...
Back in May 2004, Feng Ji encountered the open beta of Blizzard's "World of Warcraft ". He spent so much time in internet cafes playing the game that he used up all the money he had saved for his graduate school entrance exam and ultimately gave up on further studies. ...
The StUdy SUrVeyed more than 9 million high SChoOl SeniorS Or rising COIIege freshmen from 1966 to PreSenL and the findings Were enlightening. The ProPortion Of StUdentS Who Said being WeaIthy WaS Very important to them increased With each SUCCeSSiVe generation, from 45 PerCent for Baby BoomerS ...
programs - the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago, the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania - to ask about their priorities, their students’ aspirations and what they see down the road for their ...
The amounts of animal-sourced foods required to achieve a least-cost nutritious diet depend on the food prices prevalent in each country. Using linear programming, we determine least-cost dietary patterns in the United States and the constituent amounts