I regret to say that my conscience has not troubled me at all about deserting you.But as for enlisting—when I think of joining the army in varnished boots and a white linen suit and armed with only a pair of dueling pistols—And those long cold miles in the snow after my boots wore ...
Shape Up Your Fitness With The Astonishing Fit Model Mom! Get Lean In Quarantine! Click Below For Naomi Lerman’s Fitness Class! Need Dating & Relationship Advice? Check Out A Sample Of Love By Karin Katz-Eisenberg! Click Below For Life Coaching Tips From Francine Favret!
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition 2Now these are the people of the province [of Judah] who went up out of the captivity of those exiles whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away to Babylon, but who came again to Jerusalem and Judah, everyone to his own city. ...
the Asian dislike of the number 4.Many buildings don't have a 13th floor,planes usually don't have a 13th row of seats and in races,no one wants to wear the number 13.This is because it says in the Bible that Judas was the 13th guest at the Last Supper.Jesus is supposed to have...
People Who Deserve Praise - There are three things in which I take special delight—things that are beautiful to the Lord and people alike: brothers
the world as generally a good place, or generally a place where mostly unwanted things happen. Descriptive words such as happy, easygoing, quiet, aggressive, controlling, chilled, assertive, friendly and so forth indicates some of the moods that people tend to spend much of their time in, ...
The first is the Creation story from the first chapter of Genesis. Instead of speaking the divine words for each of the seven days (“Let there be light,” etc.), God performs an action, since in the Bible God’s word is not just description of an action, but the action itself. For...
April 21, 2024 theelvesareheadingwestLeave a comment A Bible Reflection for the Dunedin Diocese Ministry School – 2024 Posted in Uncategorized Recent Sermons and a Talk July 3, 2023 theelvesareheadingwestLeave a comment Third Sunday after Trinity – Guard your Heart! The Fertile Void – ...
The Sabbath is the day of stillness wherein there is no working. When you are not working to make it so you are in the Sabbath. When you are not at all concerned about the opinion of others, when you walk as though you were, you cannot raise one finger to make it so, you are ...
The bible suggested that someday the meek shall inherit the earth. These imbeciles are inheriting the earth now -- are they "the meek" referenced in the bible? I don't put much stock in the bible, but sometimes it says thought-provoking things. But make no mistake: the fool(s) depict...