根据Asthedaysaregettingcolder,youmightwishyoucouldmagicallyturninto a bearandspendthewintersleeping.Butdon'tbetoojealous (嫉妒的) ofthebear,asscientistsarelookingforwaystolethumanshibernate,too.(随着天气越来越冷,你可能希望自己能神奇地变成一只熊,在冬天睡觉。但不要太嫉妒熊,因为科学家们正在寻找让人类也...
①As the days are getting colder, you might wish you could turn into a bear and spend the winter sleeping. Your dream may come true, because scientists are looking for ways to let humans hibernate(冬眠)too! ②Japanese researchers have found the secret behind hibernation—the “Q neurons(神经...
根据第一段As the days are getting colder,you might wish you could magically turn into a bear and spend the winter sleeping.Actually,scientists are looking for ways to let humans hibernate,too!(随着天气越来越冷,你可能希望自己能神奇地变成一只熊,在冬天睡觉。事实上,科学家们也在寻...
搜索智能精选 题目 The days are getting in winter.( ) A. longer and longer B. shorter and shorter C. colder 答案A越来越长,B越来越短,C更冷的。结合常识可知,在冬季白天越来越短。故选:B。
The weather is getting colder. People are wearing their winter coats, hats and gloves (手套). But best of all, now is the time of year to wear qiuku (秋裤)! Qiuku has many names in English. Some people call it long underwear. The formal (正式的) name in English is thermal (保暖...
1/2(1-As the days are getting colder,you might wish you could magically turn into a bear and spend the winter sleeping.In fact,scientists are looking for ways to let humans hibernate,too! During hibernation,an animal's heart rate and breathing slow down.They can save energy when there is...
★一、阅读理解As the days are getting colder, you might wish you could magically turn into a bear and spend the winter sleeping. In fact, scientists are looking for ways to let humans hibernate(冬眠), too!During hibernation, an animal's heart rate and breathing slow down. They can save ...
aDAYS are getting colder and there is less sunlight. Most people, especially children, may get sick easily. Children usually have six to eight colds each winter, according to the American Lung Association (美国肺协会). One of the best ways to keep healthy in winter is to stay warm. 几天...
①As the days are getting colder, you might wish you could magically turn into a bear and spend the winter sleeping. But don’t be to jealous (嫉妒的) of the bear, as scientists are looking for ways to let humans hibernate, too. ...
①As the days are getting colder, you might wish you could turn into a bear and spend the winter sleeping. Your dream may come true, because scientists are looking for ways to let humans hibernate(冬眠)too! ②Japanese researchers have found the secret behind hibernation—the “Q neurons(...