Other Gnostic Gospels may have been written far too late to be considered first-hand accounts of the life of Jesus, although some may have actually been written at the same time as the Gospel of Mark or the unknown "Q," a mysterious early source for Gospel texts. There are theologians wh...
However, this does not negate the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit in shaping and directing the writers of the gospels through divine inspiration. Because the gospels serve more as Spirit-drawn narrative portraits, any "harmonizing" of the four accounts falls to the student of the Bible. ...
I'm thinking of reliability in two different senses. On the one hand, I intend to show that the biblical gospels are reliable sources of historical information about Jesus. In spite of their various limitations, these documents can help us to know quite a bit about what Jesus said and did....
A more popular but still scholarly work would beFabricating Jesus: How Modern Scholars Distort the Gospels(2008) by Craig A. Evans (290 pp.). I again have the same kinds of reservations. In other words, I don't reject his arguments out of hand but I take them with a grain of salt....
often referred to as the Gospels.[1] Two of them explicitly claim to tell us what Jesus actually did and said, and they claim to be based on eyewitness testimony (Luke 1:1-4; John 21:20-24). And so, Justin Martyr, a second-century Christian writer and philosopher, referred to the ...
The speakers of Middle Cornish were in any case no strangers to the Bible. The surviving Middle Cornish texts deal almost exclusively with biblical and religious themes and there are passages in the Passion Poem and the Ordinalia that are almost verbatim quotations from the gospels. John Tregear...
God promises us Salvation as a free gift, but he clearly calls us to live a life He can bless, both here on earth and in the life to come. For more information about the reliability of the New Testament gospels and the case for Christianity, please read Cold-Case Christianity: A ...
Benedict’s interest is limited to “from Augustine & Nicea to today”. That seems rather bizarre. Has Mr Latemore not read any of Pope Benedict’s works, many particular studies of particular biblical themes and passages, and especially his most recent and continuing study of the Gospels?
(also known as the Hebrew Bible), the Psalms, those beautiful and heart wrenching poems who some believe were written by King David (although most scholars think otherwise), and the New Testament, including the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) and the letters of St Paul. Each ...
Every so often there appears a work so perfect that even to critique it feels like a faintly blasphemous act, an intrusion on the sacred. The four Gospels, for example. The first two Killers albums. And this Inspector Morse prequel set in 1960s Oxford and starring Shaun Evans, Roger Allam...