The Bible says, “He shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:28). Both tattoos and body marks were identification with a heathen religion and/or their view of gaining salvation; so God prohibited it to the ...
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New Calvinism wants us to believe that God’s grace means that New Testament Christians are free from bondage to God’s moral law. Mark Driscoll uses this interpretation of Scripture to justify what he refers to as New Covenant tattoos. He declares in a sermon: ‘You are free in Christ to...
My tattoos are like a scrapbook of my life. Sometimes you don't feel comfortable in your own skin, so covering it up with pictures helps — Frank Iero 100 I'm a little hoarse tonight. I've been living in Chicago for the past two months, and you know how it is, yelling for help...
26Do not consume any meat while the blood is still in it. Do not practice divination or fortune-telling.27Do not cut the hair at your temples or trim your beard.28Do not make cuts in your body for the dead or mark yourselves with tattoos. I am the Eternal One. ...
Aftermath, by the way, doesn’t feature as a word in the bible. Back in 2001 Youth Alive produced an album called – Elevate. Again Elevate is not a word in found in the bible .It is a term linked to evolution and the ascendancy of man, and is found in Masonic literature. Let me...