showthatthelevelofeducation,andnotrace,is thebestpredictorofwhowilllivethelongest. Amongthe5,114 peoplefollowedinthe study,395haddied.Thesedeathswereoccurring inworking-agepeople,oftenwithchildren,before theageof60.Theratesofdeathamongparticipantsinthisgroupdidclearlyshowracialdifferences,withapproximately9% of...
arsenal statistics arsenal supporterstru arsenalen arsene wenger arsenic and old lace arsenic dimethyl arsenic flowers arsenic minor arsenic rhodanide ars arsenic tri oxide arsenic-copper alloy arsenicalnickel arsenicbronze arsenio manly virile arsenious iodide arsenoclasite arsenoclasite arsenok arsinoation...
According to statistics, Russia witnessed 5.5 million foreign visitors, with the Chinese topping the list at a three-fold increase, accounting for 500,000 inbound tourists. From plans to progress: the first year of China's supply-side reform A year ago, "supply-side structural reform" was ju...
Life expectancy is one of the key statistics in human wellbeing. However, we know surprisingly little about life expectancy prior to the systematic recording of births, deaths, and marriages, which began in England in 1538 with the establishment of parish registers. Many other countries started re...
PIRLS 2021 and PISA 2022 are the first international large-scale surveys that assessed students worldwide after the COVID-19 pandemic school closures. As expected, they reveal devastating learning losses for students of most countries and regions althoug
Since launching, the platform has attracted much attention and grown rapidly in popularity, becoming an important part of the startup ecosystem. Bernstein et al. (2017) show Data In this section, we describe our key variables, data sources, and sample restrictions. Summary statistics We begin ...
According to Romanian Trade Register Office (RTRO) statistics, in Romania, during the first eleven months of 2021, more than 59.000 firms were closed (which represents a 28.66% increase compared to the same period of the precedent year) [16]. The economic downturn in Romania primarily affects ...
Żołnierska 49, 71-210 Szczecin, Poland 2 Department of Information Systems Engineering, Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Szczecin, Mickiewicza 64, 71-101 Szczecin, Poland * Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. ...
However, some economists have highlighted limitations and biases for GDP. Organizations such as theBureau of Labor Statistics(BLS) and theOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD) also keep relative productivity metrics to gauge economic potential. Some experts have suggested measuring ...
economic well-being of a company, security, or currency, and their subsequent financialvaluation. Wherequalitativeinformation includes elements that cannot be directly measured, such as management experience,quantitative analysis(QA) uses mathematics and statistics to understand the asset and predict its ...