Back in the days of practicing law, in another century and in another country not my own, all of the juvenile court players from the social workers to the lawyers and all the way up to the district associate judge would gather for a relaxed lunch and conversation at a local diner, someti...
Chipmunks are part of the rodent family. The most common rodents are mice, rats, squirrels, partially a result of their ability to adapt to environments heavily settled by human beings, although they are found in the wild in great numbers. Like other rodents, they are successful due to the...
you're only doing half of the job. Pests like mice, rats, squirrels, or raccoons tend to make their presence known with noise. Sounds such as scratching, squeaking, scuttling, and whining can be audible, especially if you're listening near a nest. If you have suspicions but have yet...
This super cute little guy is a member of the weasel family. Martens like to eat pine squirrels and chickarees. Depending on gender Martens can weigh between 1/2 a pound to 1.5 pounds. Mink Tom Koerner, USFWS Mink Minks are another member of the weasel family and like to reside in the...
This super cute little guy is a member of the weasel family. Martens like to eat pine squirrels and chickarees. Depending on gender Martens can weigh between 1/2 a pound to 1.5 pounds. Mink Tom Koerner, USFWS Mink Minks are another member of the weasel family and like to reside in the...
In a trend that has gained a lot of momentum over recent years, Californians are continuing to look for better places to live beyond the Golden...
A dead rat or squirrel found floating in your pool can ruin your day. If you're wondering what you did to deserve this, or if your pool just became a rodent suicide hotspot, rest assured neither is the case.
That matters because badgers need to build their lodgings and dig out ground squirrels, prairie dogs, and the other burrowing rodents that make up much of their diet. Those long front claws and powerful short legs make them digging machines; in fact, they are believed to be the fastest-...
Generally the novel has to come first for me, before other writing, as well as bathing and eating and trimming my nose hairs and learning to play the jug, for the jug band I’m thinking of forming with the backyard squirrels. There are quite a few animal characters in my novel, ...
In the forest of New Mexico, scientists are carrying two ten-day-old Mexican wolf pups (幼崽) riding in a backpack, searching for a Mexican wolf pair that has just given birth to six pups. 1. Mexican wolves were extinct in the USA by the 1970s, but there was a plan to bring ...