In men with symptoms that do not suggest a complicated UTI, treatment can be the same as women (see above). In men with more severe UTI symptoms and/or concern about prostatitis, a fluoroquinolone (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin) can be used for 5 to 7 days. Your doctor will tailor your ...
Stomach noises are a normal part of hunger and digestion. If all that’s going on is some sounds, there’s no need for concern. Call your doctor if the sounds are accompanied by pain, bloating, or changes inbowel movements, like loose stools or no bowel movements for days. But What If...
Green, yellow, and orange stools are usually no big deal. But if you see black, bright red, or a colorless/ivory color, these can be signs of a more serious condition. Colorless, pale, or ivory-colored poop may indicate bile is not being secreted and is cause to see a doctor. Black...
Why are they a concern? Regulatory landscape around microplastics Microplastics are considered a great concern due to several reasons: • Plastic production is increasing year over year and their degradation process is very slow. Plastics can remain in the environment, particularly the marine ...
Interest in a plant-based diet for your baby But you might also need a soy-free formula for these reasons: Soy allergies Congenital hypothyroidism because soy may interfere with the treatment (2) Concern about phytoestrogens in soy-based formulas, which are believed to affect your...
The only downside to this vegan dry dog food from Halo is that it might take some pooches a bit before they get used to it. This is especially true for owners who have recently switched their dog to a vegan diet. Additionally, this kibble could also make your dog’s stools a little ...
which is a type of fiber that is needed to help the bowel form soft stools that pass quickly. The longer fecal matter sits in your digestive tract, the more water your bowels draw from it, which makes it harder to move. But by drinking water, you make your stool and the toxins assoc...
The flexitarian diet is a semi-vegetarian type of eating that advocates less amount of meat and more plant-based foods. It has no distinct rules or suggestions, indeed, it is more a lifestyle than a diet. Based on its flexible nature and concern on what to incorporate rather than limit,...
Strontium Ranelatehas a long list of adverse side-effects, starting with common ones like: Nausea Skin irritation Fainting Loose Stools Headache And less common, but possibly deadly effects like: Venous thromboembolism Serious autoimmune reactions, such as DRESS (the acronym for drug rash, ...
A further concern is that traditional inks may be toxic to snakes. However, most newspapers are printed using organic pigments. Paper Towels Paper towels are similar to newspaper with respect to their absorbency, cost, and convenience. They can be removed when soiled and easily replaced with fres...