SheriffIn each county and judicial districtin Canada sheriffs, appointed by the lieutenant-governor-in-council, serve processes (eg, writs of summonses); attend upon supreme and county court judges and maintain order in the courts (performed by constables); execute judgements, eg, seizing the jud...
However, the OIG didn't end up continuing that investigation due to a court order blocking it. The Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs (ALDS), which represents deputies within LASD, sued LA County and the OIG, saying such an investigation would violate const...
Elect county sheriffs who will not fall for such propaganda nor go along with oppressive federal agendas. Elect city council members who will not tolerate such behavior by their city police department. Elect state representatives who will hold state agencies accountable for participating in such ...
Benign objects such as spoons, mirrors, and straws are often used in the narcotic trade. To allow police officers, experienced in narcotics investigations, to conduct a warrantless search whenever they observe one of the above items, and nothing more, would permit random searches, which are cond...
I also sent that to the Tennessee Sheriffs Association. Will any of that do any good? Dunno. But it won’t hurt, for sure.Orville Figgs says: June 16, 2021 at 1:19 pm No you are not alone. We are not alone. I always have been and will always be a conservative. Why do you ...
Now I challenge whoever made this list: go to your local sheriffs department or police department and become a reserve deputy or police officer and walk one shift in our shoes. Then you have the right to form an opinion on law enforcement officers, but not until then. By anon126511 — ...