a他致力于研究工作的精神给我留下了很深的印象,但我对他那些深奥的理论却丝毫不感兴趣。 He devoted in the research work spirit has made the very deep impression to me, but I slightly was not interested actually to he abstruse theories.[translate] ...
Research and clinical implications An appreciation for the association between placental aneuploidy and SGA/FGR is relevant for both research and clinical applications. For studies investigating the etiology of idiopathic SGA/FGR, excluding cases explained by CPM may increase the power of asso- ...
Ann Arbor, made possible with proceeds from the Amnuay-Samonsri Viravan Endowment for Thai Studies. This research was reviewed by the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor's Institutional Review Board and granted exempt status.
Blood collection was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at University of São Paulo (CAAE 60860016.5.0000.0067). 2.3. Fluorescence microscopy Neutrophils were allowed to settle on 0.001% poly-d-lysine coated glass coverslips for 20 min at 37 °C. ...
[94m15s] And I think that this disconnect, between you, as a person who’s doing research, and what do you produce in the form of research output is very very damaging. [94m282] And I think one of the reasons why we need to bring the arts in, is to try and introduce some sort...
3. Studies 1 & 2 4. Studies 3 & 4 5. General discussion CRediT authorship contribution statement Further declarations Declaration of Competing Interest Acknowledgments Appendix A. Supplementary data Research Data ReferencesShow full outline Cited by (57) Figures (1) Tables (1) Table 1 Extras (...
Some of the effects of colors are well known and accepted by most people. In fact, those effects have been the subject of serious research and experiments and have been scientifically proven. But not all scientists agree on the validity (正确性) of the results. ...
52ThanksgivingmaybeanofficialdayofgratitudeintheU.S.,butresearchsuggeststhatifyoumaketimefor"thankyou"everyday,youmightenjoylifemore. 53Manypeoplemaythinkofgratitudeasa"passive"gesture—youwaitforsomethinggood,thenfeelgrateful,saidDavidDeSteno,aprofessorofpsychologyatNortheasternUniversity.DeStenostudiestheeffectstha...
(LoF and damaging variants). The gray line marks the upper limit of the 95% confidence band. The name of the genes with nominalpvalue ≤0.05 are given. Known causative genes are italicized. The insetpvalue corresponds to the significance of the upwards shift in log(1/p) values estimated ...
Our research findings align with those of other studies (Brondizio and Tourneau, 2016; Fa et al., 2020; Walker et al., 2020; O'Bryan et al., 2021; Estrada et al., 2022; Sze et al., 2022), which emphasize the integral connection between supporting Indigenous Peoples' rights and ...