Hyperinflation, generally described as a series of rapid, excessive, and out-of-control price increases, is rare in developed countries. That's because a true hyperinflation has to meet a high bar—an inflationary rate of 50% per month or 1,000% or more per year, according to most economi...
Some 19% of adults report owning an e-reader – a handheld device such as a Kindle or Nook primarily used for reading e-books.This is a sizable drop from early2014when 32% of adults owned this type of device. Ownership of e-readers is somewhat more common among women (22%) than men...
bands all over started increasing the tempos of their playing. Though many of their songs consisted of a repetitious combination of power chords, Johnny Ramone's rapid strumming had a direct influence on Metallica's Kirk Hammett.