These reptiles have roamed the oceans for 100 million years. We've put them at risk, but with a little help, they're rebounding.
Why bears know when it’s trash day, coyotes learned to look both ways before crossing the street, and raccoons can untie bungee cords.
Although capybaras are not dangerous, they can carry diseases that can be dangerous. Capybaras have been known to carry certain diseases that can be transmitted to humans and other animals who come into contact with the urine, feces, or saliva of infected animals. For example, capybaras in r...
Dogs are responsible for the majority of infections globally, but in countries that vaccinate pets against the virus, or that are generally rabies-free, wild animals like raccoons, bats and foxes tend to be the source of infection. Animals with rabies tend to act strangely or confused, may ...
dogs in fact are out at 1:00 am in the morning, especially running loose, whereas this is prime time for raccoons to be out. So I’m doubting the report and calling it “garbage in” barring further evidence. But it has generated a large number of comments and amplified existing fears...
If you know a person who loves animals, or are such a person, you might want to pick one or more of these up as gifts for them, or for yourself. This year, I’m getting the complete works of Hemingway for the baby raccoons to read. I’m trying to toughen them up. The Cat ...