Poodles are highly intelligent dogs. According to canine psychologist Stanley Coren,they’re the 2nd smartest dog breed when it comes to “obedience & working intelligence.” Poodles are also great at learning from past experiences, suggesting they have high adaptive intelligence. But what makes a ...
The finding is based on a language development test, revealing average dogs can learn 165 words (similar to a 2-year-old child), including signals and gestures, and dogs in the top 20 percent in intelligence can learn 250 words. And the smartest? Border collies, poodles, and German shepher...
Uncover the unique bond between service dogs and their owners, and the qualities that make certain breeds excel in this role. Which breeds could work best
The Annual Dachshund Races and Rescued Dogs Reunion for 2023, on Thursday, July 15th at the Festival Gardens across from the Abilene Zoo.
Many in Louisiana love to travel with their dogs, but what happens if a pet is injured in a crash? Can pet owners legally recover medical expenses after being in a crash? Like you, I see so many people with their dogs these days, as more and more public places allow dogs in their ...
While poodles are often characterized by images of wealth and fanciness, the second smartest dog breed has a rich history of hunting and even time in the circus. Without proper training, these bright dogs are sure to assume the alpha role in your house; it's best for their owners to k...
The may not be a dog that you'd expect to find on our list of the best watch dogs. They are another breed that has a poor reputation, but for different reasons. Poodles can be groomed to look prissy, and sometimes downright silly, but that does not match their personality. ...
Border-Poodles are consideredlow maintenance dogs. Still, don’t get the wrong idea that owning one is all fun, games, and cuddles. You also have to consider where you live.Borderpoosare adaptable, but don’t let your canine friend go outdoors during the winter season without a coat or ...
Poodle – Miniature/Toy/Teacup Poodles –Standard Pug Rottweiler Schnauzer, Miniature Shetland Sheepdog Shih Tzu Siberian Husky Weimaraner West Highland White Terrier Yorkshire Terrier Our users said: “I have a three-year-old Labrador Retriever who was diagnosed with diabetes because of this ...
In a trend that has gained a lot of momentum over recent years, Californians are continuing to look for better places to live beyond the Golden...