The upcoming graduates of medical training must do what we older physicians did not. They must stand up to the system and loudly and clearly say 'Enough is enough and we will not take it anymore.' They must retake control of medicine and once again, if ever it was, make it 'Of the...
Denise M. Keyser
Job vacancy rates at Rhode Island's community health centers are 21% for physicians, 18% for physician assistants and nurse practitioners, and 10% for registered nurses, according to six of the state's eight health centers that responded to a survey conducted by RIHCA for The Public's Radio...
Question: The vast majority of outside directors are all BUT ONE of the following: a. union representatives. b. CEOs. c. COOs. d. academicians. e. attorneys. Outside Directors: Outside directors are described as a member of ...
As physicians we want to help people but as emergency physicians we want to save lives. However, almost every day we are confronted with death and sometimes the truly awful. Things no one should see and no one outside our field can really comprehend. I frequently have lunch with 2 of my...