when hundreds of elderly people crowded a vaccination post, having been told that they would receive the Pfizer vaccine, the only American brand available in the Philippines. The authorities grew alarmed, fearing that mobs of...
What human rights are violated in Philippines?Philippines:The Philippines refers to a Southeast Asian country, consisting of numerous islands. This country has been under the control of other countries, and it has a human rights track record....
In the first 10 months of this year China did US$84.6 billion of trade with ASEAN countries. Experts believe this may reach US$100 billion next year. Founded in 1967, ASEAN now includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Brunei, Viet Nam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos...
Will the Philippines benefit from Belt & Road? A fresh but uncertain future lies ahead for countries in East Asia and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) as the Philippines and United States have welcomed new leaders. Creating ideal townships: China's urbanization future Although China...
However, some countries offer easier routes for US citizens to get their second passport. You may be able to pay for fast-tracked citizenship or apply for your passport after living in your chosen country for just a few years. We’ll take a look at some of the easiest countries to apply...
Japan, for the most part, has been a notable exception. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has developed probably the closest and most time-intensive personal relationship with President Trump of any major democratic ally, and for the most part he has been spared the level of criticism that the presiden...
a distinguished UP professor, published a treatise in 1984 titled “The Legal Framework of Alien Interests in Land and Other Natural Resources in the Philippines”, wherein he wrote that American nationals “continued to enjoy the same rights to land and natural resources as Filipino citizens.” ...
What would this energetic, enterprising country be without new lands to conquer Some people, such as Teddy Roosevelt, decided to keep on conquering (Cuba, the Philippines, etc.), but eventually, in industrialization, the US found a new narrative of economic mobility at home. From the 1890s ...
Explain why scarcity affects both the poorest and the richest people in the Philippines? Why do both nations with high living standards and nations with low living standards face the problem of scarcity? What is a reason for low insurance take-up among the poor? Explain 2 obstructions of grow...
seeing different social classes creates compassion and really makes us feel more blessed and contented. Like what happened to me when I was in Banawe Rice Terraces in Ifugao here in the Philippines for a certain school project, I have seen most of the people...