No basis to claim that large numbers of Palestinians are getting Jordanian citizenship, new research shows. Only 217 West Bank residents completed naturalization process in past decade, while 2,700 aDAVID E MILLER /The Media Line
The Irish, like the Palestinians, like George Washington, like Nelson Mandela, also felt the need to use armed struggle against an occupying force, and while the Irish Republican Army primarily hit the Crown security forces and tried to avoid civilians (as Hamas and the IDF have NOT done) th...
Yasir Arafat had later claimed that the Jordanian and Pakistani troops killed between 10,000 and 25,000 Palestinians. The intensity of the bloodletting by Zia ul Haq and King Hussain was such that one of the founder fathers of Israel, Moshe Dayan, cynically remarked:“King Hussein, with help...
ByShahd Safi – Gaza From the 1948 Nakba, the Naksa of 1967 to now, many Palestinians have been forced to live as refugees, facing dire social and financial difficulties. Education is their only hope for survival. But so many families can’t afford the expenses associated with college and u...
More than 700,000 Palestinians were displaced during the creation of the state of Israel, according to the United Nations agency supporting Palestinian refugees. What is the international community’s position? The effort to evict Palestinian families from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood has been wid...
The Jordanian population continues to grow because of demographic dynamics and because of migration into the country. Currently, many Syrian, Iraqi, Yemeni, and Libyan refugees; Egyptian immigrants; and Palestinians are living inside the country without holding Jordanian national passports and are working...