P392393. Ask an Italian Teacher - Nouns Masculine or Feminine 04:13 P393394. Ask an Italian Teacher - Nouns How Do You Form the Plural 03:44 P394395. Learn the Top 10 Must-know Autumn Vocabulary in Italian! 05:48 P395396. Learn the 10 Must-know Autumn Vocabulary in Italian! 05:48...
“Children” is a plural noun even though it doesn’t have an -s. Even so, we must agree with the subject of the sentence (children) and use “are.” “Children” is a collective noun. A collective noun refers to ...
3. Data Is, or Data Are? https://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2012/07/data-is-or-data-are.html 4. Data Is or Are: Is Data Singular or Plural? https://editorsmanual.com/articles/data-singular-or-plural/ 5. It’s time to end the ‘data is’ vs ‘data are’ debate https://www...
It takes a singular verb when the persons or things that make up the group are considered collectively: The dance group is ready for rehearsal. Group takes a plural verb when the persons or things that constitute it are considered individually: The group were divided in their sympathies.也就是...
To use to be in the present tense, you have to first decide which is correct, is or are. The right choice depends on the subject for two reasons. It has to match subject-verb agreement: If the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular; if the subject is plural, the verb...
[Old Englisharon,second person plural ofbēonto be] are (ɑː) n (Units) a unit of area equal to 100 sq metres or 119.599 sq yards; one hundredth of a hectare. Symbol:a [C19: from French, from Latināreapiece of level ground; see area] ...
“Tobacco sales is the cause . . . ” OR “Tobacco sales are the cause . . . “ The answer is “sales are.” Here is why: John has chosen the plural subjectsales. It requires the pluralverbare. John and his coworkers may have beenconfused by the singular wordcause. But the verb...
plural ulnaria -a(a)rēə, -ärēə or ulnars 1 : the third carpal bone or element of the proximal row counting from the radial side specifically : cuneiform sense 1b 2 or ulnar carpal : a bone of a bird probably representing the ulnare and centrale and sometimes also the ...
if the subject is plural we use a plural verb (are were). Both of your sentences have plural subjects so we use plural verbs. (1) There are a bottle and a book on the desk. ==> A bottle and a book are on the desk. (2) There are an orange and o apples in the ...
With the indefinite article , a number of +[plural noun] is always, always followed by a verb that agrees with that plural noun, which is its subject. Example: a very large number of companies are involved in... "A number of " is a quantifier phrase, just like lots of or a lot ...