But this time, in writing, I would put them in an italicized mode. So but when speaking, I will just qualify by saying, bear in mind that I’m talking about Chinese Laws of Nature, which are not quantitative, at all, although I think they are objective but they are not quantitative,...
(50-30) GATCTGctaaaggatTTCTGA GAAGCCctaaaggatGGTGTC GTGGGGctaaaggatAGCCTG GTCTAGatcctttagCCCATG GCTACAatcctttagAAAGGA GCGGGGctaaaggatCAGATG GCATCAatcctttagTGGGCC GTAACTatcctttagGCCTAG GTGTGActaaaggatGGCCCA All probes contain consensus Ad4BP/SF-1-binding sequence (italicized letters) ...
Illumina sequencing—V4 region: DNA extractions were prepared for marker gene sequencing as previously described67with the following modifications. Universal barcoded primers with Illumina sequencing adapters (adapters are italicized and the barcode is highlighted in bold) V4F (5′-AATGATACGGCGACCACCGA...
We also note whether the empirical findings of Studies 1–4 strongly support a theory by confirming its explicit predictions (green bolded), rebut a theory by finding the opposite of what it predicted (red italicized), or suggest that a theory is an incomplete explanation at best because it ...
The numbers indicate the percentages of cells in the quadrant (top) with mean fluorescence intensity of IL-5-positive cells (italicized below). (D) Rag1−/− mouse lung explants were stimulated with P/I or PBS for 12 hr. Explants were processed and surface-stained as in (C) and ...