Ocean warming is speeding up and sea levels are rising more quickly, warns a new report by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel. The report also discusses a relatively new phenomenon in the oceans: marine (海洋的) heatwaves. “Before 2012 or 2013, nobody had thought about heat waves in the ...
Another way to adapt to sea level rise is by enhancing natural protections. That's happening at the dunes and wetlands of Ormond Beach in Oxnard, California, on the Pacific Ocean. "So, wetlands have a superpower: They're able to buffer against rising seas. Dunes, wetlands can absorb flood...
“Rising sea levels continue to pose a threat” One quote in particular from the study was cited by many social media users to support their theory that sea levels rising isn’t a big deal: “Contrary to initial assumptions, our empirical data does not conclusively link the widespread eros...
Of course, the overall warming of the ocean—a figure known as the global mean sea surface temperature (GMSST)—is a result of the growth of “Earth’s energy imbalance,” or EEI, in the words of the authors. As concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases ri...
The Komodo Dragon only lives on two Indonesian island/ Paul Hien The Komodo Dragon might be the largest living lizard on Earth, but that's no help in the fight against climate change and extinction. It's now officially an endangered species. Rising tides and temperatures are...
3. What does a bathymetry map show about the ocean? A.Rising temperature.B.Depth changes.C.Current directions.D.Salt contents. 4. What does Wright stress about mapping the seafloor in the last paragraph? A.It is greatly urgent.B.It is very dangerous.C.It is time-consuming.D.It will ...
The new study examined 118 years of empirical evidence and discovered that small Pacific islands are not disappearing under the waves of a rising ocean. Instead, the tiny atoll islands are actually growing larger. It's another climate change 'Ooopsie'. Other failed "expert" predictions, plus th...
The temperatures of the world’s oceans are hitting record highs, with far-reaching consequences for marine life, storm intensity, and sea levels.
climate-related changes including rising sea levels, land loss and more violent storms, the report concludes.Other animals picked out as particularly in danger include: the North Atlantic Right Whale, whose main food (tiny shrimp) is disturbed by the change in oceanflows and the White-Nose ...