Whether you know it or not, you're breathing argon right now. But there's no need to be alarmed: This colorless, odorless gas makes up a mere 0.94 percent of the air around you, and it's sononreactive that it has no effect on living organisms such as humans. Is argon man made?
There are three main traits that define noble gases. First, they are colorless. Secondly, they are odorless. Thirdly, they are monatomic with low... Learn more about this topic: Noble Gases | Definition, List & Properties from Chapter 28/ Lesson 48 ...
Argon is a gas at room temperature. It is both odorless and colorless. Argon is classified as a noble gas because it doesn't react with other... Learn more about this topic: Argon | Definition, Properties & Uses from Chapter 28/ Lesson 17 ...
109 http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.80884 Molecular formula Melting point Boiling point Density at s.t.p Bond energy, H–H Bond length, H–H Colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. H2 14 K 20 K 0.09 KJmol−1 436 KJmol−1 74 pm 1H,Protium (H), 2H,deuterium (D), and ...
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