Since the total number of seats in IITs and NITs are much less, what the remaining students generally do? Apart from the IITs and NITs , which are the other institutions which consider JEE (Advanced) scores for admissions?Experts: do suggest....
Tdheviselnooptmioennits. sTuhpispnoortteiodnbiys sthueppfaocrttetdhabty, wthheefnacwt ethsautb, wjechtepnawtieenstusbwjeictthpsaetvieenretskweliothidssevtoerreadkeialotiiodns mtoornaodtihaetrioanpym, tohneocthoelorrapimy,ptrhoevecos laolrmimospt riomvmesedailamteolsyt, iamftmerewdihaitc...
That is, someone better than average on one cognitive ability measure will, in all likelihood, perform better than average on all the others, too. It was Spearman [3] who first named this phenomenon "g" or general intelligence. A key analytic technique, factor analysis, lay at the heart ...
UAVs is one technology able to fill the gap between spaceborne and ground-based observations, ensuring (1) high spatial resolution; (2) tracking of the water bodies better than any satellite technology; (3) operating an UAV is not limited to specific time, such as satellite sensors that ...
nbcoereolnarsgheesllpitnheicsk(nFeigsus r[e2s82].aPnldot3s),owf hthilee rseplianteiosnwsheriep abbestewnet ewnitshhinellNtehriitciknnaeasnsdaNnderisthoneall. length between nonspinose nerites were generated using the "ggplot2" package [29] and "visreg" package [30]. The "ggeffects" ...
ThReimesi'gsrtawtioonphoof thogeriampahgsea, sretshuelytinexgisint ian"trwepoedaitfefderceinrctupluatbiloicna"tioofnitssptwroodruecneditiinonvas,sdtleypdeinffdesreunpton itstwimrietftreanmdees—scrimipmtioendsiatoelpyraofvteirdtehseliwghartlaynsdhliafttienrginmliefaen—inilglussthraatte, n...
m ifnaignrmg iinsg ap rvaicatbicle s,s oaus raphic attributes oafg atghienenssteerte eafrtfamierncmsgtio evlfroesc.efia vlsS ehemrmitfayapl.rll‐mFosacyiranmlgeee rinsfnits Johpope snpfdiadosgrermeotthnuioenagrhgviarte itageripnashg...