Adsorption (2020) 26:1253–1266 Arerseufletsreonfc aenh iingthe‑rplarbesosruarteorCyHs4tuaddysorption isotherm for zeolite Y: H. G. T. Nguyen1 · C. M. Sims1 · B. Toman1 · J. Horn1 · R...
Since the brain was found to be somehow flexible, plastic, researchers worldwide have been trying to comprehend its fundamentals to better understand the brain itself, make predictions, disentangle the neurobiology of brain diseases, and finally propose up-to-date treatments. Neuroplasticity is simple...
Using a sample of commercial bank–year observations covering 104 countries over the 1999–2017 period, we consider five contemporary de jure and
A simple LaTeX template that I use for my Vita. Contribute to arebee/kjh-vita development by creating an account on GitHub.
t mean relief from stress in another area. It’s like a bathroom sink. Put a stopper in the drain and every time water is added to the bowl the level rises a bit more. Layers. Higher levels. A new watermark for stress. At some point, with the stopper firmly in place, the sink ...
and manufacturer’s claims of economic hardship due to the costs of installing pollution controls and other safety measures [5,12]. Solutions will need to find the appropriate balance between the health risks and social benefits of chemicals and encourage safe, sustainable business strategies that a...
Dettmers, R. Rzanny, J. Liepert, C. Büchel, C. Weiller Reduction of excitability (“inhibition”) in the ipsilateral primary motor cortex is mirrored by fMRI signal decreases NeuroImage, 17 (2002), pp. 490-496 Google Scholar Hinder et al., 2010a M.R. Hinder, M.W. Schmidt, M.I...
Although not a prime public health concern, seasonal influenza remains a challenge in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This problem is augmented by the fact that the percentage of the population intending to take the yearly seasonal influenza vaccine is r
In the financial system, the customers’ willingness to share their data is pivotal, because otherwise, banks and insurance companies are powerless to
In the extant literature, there are two main trends to interpret the phenomenon of sexting, reflecting two main perspectives. According to the developmental per- spective [11, 12, 27, 36], sexting in adolescence may be considered as a normative expression of sexuality medi- ated by new ...