What are those black cables that are occasionally stretched across the roads of New York? There are several different theories as to what these tubes represent and what their function is. Many think that they can track your speed and if you are over the limit you will get a ticket in the...
Thanks to our broad portfolio of logistics ser- vices, our global reach and the tireless commitment of our around 570,000 employees worldwide, the Group ensured the delivery of services to the public and kept important supply chains running for industry, even in extremely chal- lenging times....
“the Western religions stress the relation between sin, doing harm to others, and suffering. Although the ultimate accounting is expected to take place in the next world and for eternity, there are strong themes running through the Judeo-Christian tradition which link signs...
Balancing the upper body is pivotal for upright and efficient gait. While models have identified potentially useful characteristics of biarticular thigh muscles for postural control of the upper body, experimental evidence for their specific role is lack
Born and raised in Massachusetts, Craig said a love for music was always with him, even when he moved away from the Bay State to work in Texas and New Jersey. Upon returning to Massachusetts, Craig said he faced a big challenge — he became legally blind after eye surgery....
Peak detection, integration, and alignment were performed using the open-source software package XCMS, running under R statistical software (Smith et al., 2006). A correlation matrix of the combined data sets was calculated in R. Principal component discriminant analysis was also performed with R ...
Resolution of a Long-Running Dispute In 2003, an ongoing dispute between Intel and a former employee involving the sending of mass e-mails was heard in the California Supreme Court. The case centered around unsolicited mass e-mails sent by Mr. Ken Hamidi to between 8,000 and 35,000 Intel...
(5) delayed intentions for the individual to return to a task which is already running; (6) tasks that demand different task characteristics (7) self-determining targets with which the individual decides for him/herself; and (8) no minute- by-minute feedback on how well an individual ...
for ICE: It now operates the two of the largest commodities futures exchanges on the planet—ICE Futures U.S., and ICE Futures Europe. For Sprecher and Loeffler, these venues provide exactly the type of protections needed to, as Loeffler puts it, “get the institutional engine running.” ...
When given a choice between pressing a lever to obtain food and running in a wheel, they are significantly more likely to run in the wheel (Miles et al., 2009). This finding suggests that these offspring of undernourished mothers may attempt to find more reliable sources of food in a ...