Dealing with a Verbally Abusive Son When There Are Grandchildren InvolvedQ: Our 27-year-old son works in the daytime and his 19-year-oldgirlfriend works at night, so my...Kelly, Marguerite
they accused me of being 'morbid' to bring up the dead--and my husband, instead of saying, "Kids, remember that your mother loved her sister and brother, it's not morbid to bring up people you love"--which is what I would have said had they been my husband's siblings (that's ha...
Someacademic workhas noted how passive, female-coded bot responses encourage misogynistic or verbally abusive users. "[When] the bot does not have a response [to abuse], or has a passive response, that actually encourages the user to continue with abusive language," Gambelin added. Although co...
I grew up with a father that was extremely verbally abusive, and violent. He rarely physically hit me but i was constantly very unhappy living with him. when my parents divorced it got even worse because it seemed like he had nothing to focus on other then me which resulted in fights eve...
Initially, the numbness was welcome. Imagine being pulled from a crazy, loud, verbally abusive family and dropped solo on a deserted island. Oh, to have peace and quiet in my own head for the first time! But it became quickly clear that this was a bargain with the devil. I missed my...
Is there any form of abuse in the relationship? This should be a question you ask yourself. Does your partner abuse you physically, emotionally, socially, verbally? Do they put the blame on you or others for things they did? If yes, you arein love with a toxic personand it is dangerou...
Your family includes your parents, siblings, and grandparents. Then it extends to different family branches like your uncles, aunts, and cousins. Also, your caregiver or a guardian is your family even if they aren’t blood relatives.
In the article Verbal Abuse Exposed I highlight the behaviours of a verbally abusive perpetrator and upon reading this many women have contacted me to ask me if I believe they are in an abusive relationship, sadly it seems many are. I can only hope by raising awareness it saves some of ...
We might acknowledge that our spouse isverbally abusive, but minimize or rationalize. One woman told me that even though her husband was verbally abusive, she knew he loved her. Most victims of abuse experience third degree denial, meaning that they don’t realize the detrime...
“Because she played on the same strings as my mother, so I was in a relationship against my will or an abusive situation with her for two years.” Eventually the situation got out of control and nearly pushed Sølve to suicide. It was only thanks to the help he received from the ...