So many mushrooms, not, not recreational shrooms. Um, so mushrooms, they’re, they’re technically not plants, but I make them honorary plants because they have many plant based nutrients, which is kind of interesting. Like they have fiber, um, even though they’re not plants....
- Misheard: "Mushrooms are nasty" - Correct: "Must want to get nasty" Amidst all the controversy that surrounded the song's suggestive and possibly demeaning lyrics, Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" was busy breaking records. It not only took the top spot on the Billboard Hot 100, but it...
my five year old was up last night with pretty bad constipation. he's a pretty picky eater, and i can usually get him to eat fruit and lots of fluids. he'll also eat lots of whole wheat bread. what are some secret ways i can get some more fiber into his diet that taste yummy ...