Prepare mums for winterafter the first hard frost. Mulch up to 4 inches with straw or shredded hardwood around the plants. Pinch off dead blooms to clean up the plant, but leave branches intact. Mums have a better chance of surviving if you wait to prune old stems until spring. Can you...
Daisy chrysanthemumsor "mums" are perennial plants, hardy in USDA Zones 5 through 9. These fall-blooming hybrids are characterized as "daisy" types because they have the same configuration as a common daisy -- 1 or more rows of petals emanating from a yellow, disk-like center. Features Dais...
7. Advance list of our 1926 specialties : hardy mums (30 varieties), delphinium (15 varieties), cut flower perennial novelties, forcing stock ... for fall delivery / [O] . 1926 机译:我们的1926种专业清单:耐寒妈妈(30个品种),Delphinium(15个品种),切花常年新奇,迫使股票...用于倒下/ 获取...
Gerber daisies are reasonably hardy plants and are technically considered perennials when grown in the right climate. Gerber daisies like the temperature to be between 59 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. In areas that remain in roughly this range throughout the year, the flowers will die out over the ...