Metalloids are not the same thing as transition metals, are they? If I remember correctly, I think they are the groups next to each other on the periodic table. What is different about the two groups, though? Is there something about the transition metals that makes them similar to metallo...
Why are metalloids between metals and nonmetals? Why is neon an unreactive monatomic gas? Are halogens reactive or nonreactive? What type of ions do halogens form? Why are noble gases called noble? Why are transuranium elements called synthetic elements?
Why do nonmetals tend to form anions when they react to form compounds? Why can't the halide ions be oxidizing agents? Why do metals only form ionic compounds while metalloids and nonmetals form ionic and covalent compounds? Why are metals good conductors of electricity?
Why are metalloids between metals and nonmetals? Why is sodium Na on the periodic table? Why is hydrogen located in a group with reactive metals? Why are halogens good oxidizing agents? Why are half-filled and fully-filled orbitals more stable?
3rd subgroup: a heterogenous group p-elements including the metal Bi, the amphoterous oxides forming elements Al, Ga, In, Tl, Sn, Pb, Sb and Po, and the metalloids Ge, As and Te. We suggest using the term "lead-group" for this 3rd subgroup of heavy metals as in Toxicology and ...
The arrangement of the periodic table provides a way to distinguish between the three types of elements. The three types of elements are metals, metalloids and non-metals. To the left of the metalloids are the metals with the exception of hydrogen. To the right are the non-metals....
193 GROUP IIIA valence electrons: - most of the elements in this group are metals, but there is also a semiconductor (boron). - The oxides of these elements are of the form - oxides of boron are acidic (metalloids tend to behave more like nonmetals in the acidity of their oxides). -...
Are nonmetals good conductors? Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids: There are three broad categories of elements: metals, metalloids, and nonmetals. Most of the elements on the periodic table of elements are metals. This includes 86 of the 118 known elements. Nonmetals have nearly the exact opp...
Where are the most active metals on the periodic table? Where are metalloids located on the periodic table? Where are the actinides on the periodic table? Where are nonmetals located on the periodic table? Where are the inner transition metals located on the periodic table?
Answer and Explanation:1 The most reactive nonmetal elements on the periodic table are found in group 17, and they are known as the halogens. The halogens include fluorine,... Learn more about this topic: Halogens of the Periodic Table | Properties, Reactivity & Uses ...