Origins of Mermaids Mermaids are sea creatures that are half fish, half human. The upper body resembles a woman, and the bottom half a fishlike sea animal. Mermaids exist in folklore across various cultures, each with different interpretations of the beings. Just as hard as it is to define...
Are the sirens in The Odyssey mermaids? Is the Arthurian legend pagan? Are folktales fiction? Was Balto inspired by White Fang? Are fables folktales? Is Snorri Sturluson's Edda the Poetic Edda? Is the Arthurian legend Celtic? How were leprechauns described in Celtic folklore? Is Lamia in ...
Sailor folklore claims that sea glass pieces are tears shed by mermaids. Neptune’s jealous wrath brings mermaids to tears when they fall in love with a sailor. We donated to the cause, took a brochure listing the chances of finding each glass color and wound our way back home through the...