If you don't have any Medicare premiums deducted from your Social Security payment or Railroad Retirement Board benefits, you'll receive a bill for your Part B and Part D IRMAAs. » MORE: Are Medicare premiums tax-deductible? Back to top Can I get my IRMAA reduced? If yo...
Premiums forMedicare supplementalor Medigap policies are not treated as qualified medical expenses. If you use your HSA to pay for anything other than a qualified medical expense, that amount is subject to both income tax and an additional 20% tax penalty if you are less than 65 ye...
if you get Plan D, you know that all of your Part B copays (usually 20% of covered services) would be picked up by Medigap. Same goes for the Part A deductible charged per benefit period (in 2020, that amount is $1,408).
Your other option is Medigap, which picks up some cost-sharing associated with basic Medicare, such as the Part A deductible or Part B copays. These policies are offered by private insurance companies as well, but are generally standardized — same-named plans offer identical benefits no m...