A comprehensive guide to employee benefits for small business owners. Learn how to attract and retain talent with competitive benefits packages, from health insurance to retirement plans.
While there are some very good points to HMO care plans, the quality of plans vary from one provider to the next. Before committing to any HMO, make sure you get information on the size of the local network, what options the members will have in choosing a primary care physician, and t...
Understanding the average monthly premiums for individual health plans can help you get a foundation for what to expect when shopping for health insurance. In 2021 they were: Average premiums for HMO plans: $420 Average premiums for PPO plans: $518 Average premiums for EPO plans: $449 Checklist...
In 1993 alone, PacifiCare acquired two healthcare companies in its home state--Freedom Plan and California Dental Health Plan— well as Advantage Health Plans, Inc. (renamed PacifiCare of Florida), a Miami-based HMO. These acquisitions helped the company cross the one-million-member mark in 1...