“The three lodges (out of the four that came together to form the firstGrand Lodge) were probably composed of operative Masons, and numbered about fifteen each, while the 4th Lodge had a role of 70 members and was the speculative Lodge, to which all the leading men of ‘the Craft’ be...
order, stability, and economic development doesn’t sound so bad. From that perspective, the Church’s attempt to ally herself with the emerging world order would reflect a belief that it is inevitable and desirable, and needs to be infused with Christian principles through the Church’s involve...
he knew that caution was necessary even in spreading information, and the principles of pure morality. He proposed therefore to lead the Free Masons to adopt this object and to make the
Donald Trump is clearly making the Masonic symbol of the inverted pyramid with his hands, a symbol that is very clearly understood by fellow Satanic Masons. We have no reason to believe that this was not intentional. It was meant to communicate something to those who unders...
“A lobby of the greedy, a lobby of politicians, a lobby of Masons, so many lobbies!” he says later in the press conference – and individual gay people who are well-intentioned and seeking God. It’s while speaking to the latter point that he makes the “Who am I to judge?” ...
they’re creating an army of celebrities with ties to their organisation. It’s like the Mafia. Only worse. These celebrities are initially praised and worshipped as excellent role models that instil a sense of virginal Christian values into their public personas. But of course, they are just...
The majority of the regular membership of the Free and Accepted Masons; do not know about the “Illuminati influence” within their rank and file! The Illuminati members operate out of special secret societies separate from the regular Masonic membership and are found in every branch of t...
you have to have indicators of what is low and what is high, and, for me, this is high. This is based on the fundamentals, but on the cycles, we can try to test the highs one more time. This is not going to end well because everybody will try to get into the market, and the...