Breast nodules, fibrocystic disease of the breast, an abnormal breast x-ray or mammogram Diabetes Elevated cholesterol or triglycerides High blood pressure Migraine or other headaches or epilepsy Depression Gallbladder, heart, or kidney disease History of scanty or irregular menstrual periods Women with...
(n ϭ 209) 188 90.0 Last mammogram Ͻ2 years ago (n ϭ 210) 187 89.0 At least one first-degree relative with breast cancer (n ϭ 217) 58 26.7 At least one first-degree relative with ovarian cancer (n ϭ 217) 15 6.9 Number of respondents (less missing values) is presented ...
There was no lump and she had had a clear mammogram the year before. But when she noticed a slight puckering close to her left armpit several weeks later, she went to her GP, who immediately referred her to the hospital. A routine biopsy confirmed the worst - Mummy had stage 2 ductal ...
"They'd done a mammogram in July and there was nothing there but by September I had this lump and it was very small but very aggressive. "In the six weeks between when I'd found it and when it was operated on, it had grown from about 2mm to 20mm. I had to have chemotherapy, ...