20 Best Bedroom Plants for a Good Night's Sleep How to Grow and Care for Lucky Bamboo How to Grow and Care for Aloe Vera Plants The Best Plant Humidifiers How to Care for a Dracaena Plant in Your Home 24 Hard-to-Kill Houseplants for Every Room ...
Paris Lalicata has been with The Sill for almost five years and heads up Plant Education and Community. Paris is a self-taught plant expert with over 10 years of experience growing houseplants. Currently, she maintains an indoor garden of over 200 plants in the northeast. Her passion is maki...
have30houseplantsintotalandmybalconybloomsallyeararound,soitfeelslikebothanoasis(绿 洲)andsomewheretothink. Lifeisstillsometimesfrustrating.Difficultthingsstillhappen.ButthesedaysIknowhowto treatmyself:ImakesureIgooutside,breathein,lookatwhat?sgrowing,andIalwaysfeelbetter. ( )4.Whichcanbestdescribetheauthori...
Not only are there plenty of houseplants to choose from, but most of them look quite different from one another. This gives you plenty of diversity in your plant choices to supply your indoor garden with plenty of plants that are low-maintenance. We’ve put together a huge list of housepla...
10+ Low Maintenance Bedroom Plants Here are 10+ houseplants that need only occasional watering and prefer moderate to bright lighting. Lady Palm Pin Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa) is an attractive, easy-to-grow palm tree that prefers bright, indirect sunlight. As with the lavender plant, you sho...
Succulent houseplants like jade plants, also known asCrassula ovata, are extremely popular. Jade plants can induce effects of poisoning in dogs and cats such as lethargy, incoordination, and a decreased heart rate. Your pets may find their glossy oval leaves and small tree-like appearance irresis...
Tonight’s cold temperatures willing, there will be bunches of late Summer flowers; a very small number of reliable plants for splashes of colour in your garden now or next year and some healthy houseplants. Everything is grown using an organic, nature friendly approach with peat free compost....
Money Trees are beautiful “good luck” plants known to symbolize wealth and good fortune. A popular houseplant from tropical Central and South America, also called Guiana chestnut, this low-maintenance plant is quite sensitive to a series of conditions that can result in foliage yellowing.PinThe...
"I have several houseplants that had stopped flowering, so I put a few of these spikes in the pot (there are directions on the back of package for quantity), and approximately a month after using these spikes, my peace lily had three flowers on it, and my African violet plants all got...
Anthurium (an-THUR-ee-um) is a tropical, perennial, evergreen shrub that can grow to be about 3″ feet high. Homeowners love these houseplants because of their bright, interesting, beautiful flower spathes and attractive leaves. Anthurium is a member of the Araceae family of plants and hail...