It is a good erosion control plant because it can form thickets and spread by rhizomes. Wildlife: Chokecherry is important to many wildlife animals.Birds, rabbits, hares, rodents and bears all seek out and eat its fruit. ... Chokecherries were routinely cooked before they were eaten or dri...
Irene Shonle, writing for Colorado State University Extension Service, advises that, in general, animals are discouraged by very aromatic plants (such as sage, lavender or mint); prickles and spines (such as scotch pine or cactus); tough, leathery leaves (such as lambs ear); toxic plants ...
A:Rabbits, squirrels and deereat rose buds and shoots. What eating my knockout rose leaves? Aphids, mites, thirps and scaleare a few pests that will feed on the sap of Knock Out roses. This leads to wilted foliage and buds, leaf dropping, loss of vigor and overall poor health. Furthe...
California buckeye (Aesculus californica) is an example of a native tree that is toxic. Its flowers are toxic to honeybees and its big brown seeds for which it is named were used by Indigenous people to stun fish to make them easier to catch. The bark, leaves, and fruits contain...
Lilium michauxii, most frequently known as the Carolina lily, is a fantastic choice for the full-sun garden. According to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, however, the blossom is so similar to its cousins that it’s sometimes grouped with the tiger lilies also from the Lilium family....