If not cooked properly — Do Not Eat! Beans contain a compound called lectin. ... Some are not harmful, but the lectins foundin undercooked and raw beans are toxic. While you might assume that consuming raw beans would provide better nutrition, you're wrong. What beans can I substitute f...
Lectins may not cause any immediate problems, but they frequently lead to various long-term issues, such as the inability to properly absorbvitaminsandminerals,food allergies,arthritisand other numerous issues. If you have any existing gut issues (such asirritable bowel syndrome) or autoimmune condit...
There are a number of aphorisms that one imbibes over many years of medical education, especially in medical school. Some are useful; some are not; but some stick with you for reasons that even you can't figure out. For example, I still remember my first
cranberries are safe for small quantities to give your dogs to help keep their tummy flat. Because they are acidic, small quantities should not be given to dogs, but large quantities can be toxic. Also, cranberries contain a bitter substance that may upset the stomach. If you have an allerg...
What does your body do with this excess toxic material??? It buries it in your fat cells and you gain weight. In case you also need an illustration about the Energy all this sugar gives your body. It does but your body doesn’t not only not need this much it burns it off so fast...
t even buy the cooked leaves from most places. She has a couple go-to places she will buy from because these are the only people she trusts to cook them properly. So while this is common knowledge to some, other people are totally in the dark about it. I sincerely wish that I w...
As a whole, it could be viewed as a waste disposal vehicle for human food manufacturers, exhibiting disregard for the health of its customers.”– Decoding Pet Food: Adulteration, Toxic Ingredients, and the Best Choices for Your Companion Animals, by The Cornucopia Institute. What they reveal ...
I suggest you check it out. Besides the questionable benefit of these “antioxidants,” avocado pit also contains trypsin inhibitors that interfere with protein digestion, as well as small amounts of hydrocyanic acid and cyanogenic glycosides – both of which are toxic. Does avocado pit still soun...
When the blood is toxic and being stagnant or slow moving (caused by eating too much meat and other harmful foods, and not enough enzymes from fresh fruits and juices), it thickens and causes a sluggish system and create untold ailments: from mild ailments like headache/migraine, fatigue, ...