describe sounds and states. Katakana is mainly used for foreign words and onomatopoeic and mimetic words. Japanese verbs and adjectives can be traced back to the same etymological roots as onomatopoeic and mimetic words. New words that have come into use in recent years are sometimes written in ...
Japanese Names and Kanji: Kanji began as the regular characters in which Chinese is written. Because these are logograms that express entire words rather than the sounds with which they are pronounced, they may be used even by languages unrelated to Chinese; and they were the only form in wh...
I know that names are usually written in Katakana but what if there is no real possibility to write a name with katakana? Can you also use Hiragana or Kanji? 查看翻译 rbs1515 2017年9月9日 英语(美国) 葡萄牙语 (巴西) foreign names = always Katakanajapanese names = Kanji 查看翻译 1...
way, and I know many words in Japanese like a daily stuff.but sometimes i feel confused.should I learn the formal way first? because I really want to speak more casual or natural way.once again thank you for the advice✨ have a nice day.教えてくれてありがとうね、、、🥰 Hello...
The the blue characters are kanji, the orange are hiragana and the red are. So, it’s a mix. Long story short, Japanese had 3 writing systems. You can read about the Japanese writing systemshere. InChinese, there is only one writing system and it is entirely written by theirhanzi. How...
Everyone knows Japanese people aren’t exactly Masters of the Universe when it comes to speaking English, despite receiving six years of English education. Six years? Are you kidding? You could build yourself a Great Pyramid in less time. I’m pretty sure. Just chop up some limestone and st...
En la cultura japonesa, la comunicación directa y clara es valorada, por lo que esta frase ...
Yes, the sentence you provided in Japanese is correct. Here is the breakdown of the sentence:何かする前に (なにかするまえに) - "Before doing something"してもいいかどうか (してもいいかどうか) - "whether it's okay to do"聞かなければなりません (きかなければなりません) - ...
@princess_anya NP!And there's no word for the phrase 'hidden cost'.I wondered a bit when I read your text, but soon I understood what you mean while reading the next sentence.So I think we Japanese will 100% understand what you mean by reading in the same way as me.@...