“Israel has every right to remove this threat and return our citizens to their home safely. And that’s exactly what we’re doing,” Netanyahu said, eliciting applause from supporters in the gallery of the General Assembly. “We’ll continue degrading Hezbollah until all our objectives are me...
Netanyahu, at UN, vows that Israel will keep ‘degrading Hezbollah’ until its objectives are met His leadership strained by conflicts on two fronts, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told world leaders at the United Nations on Friday that his nation will “continue degrading...
Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield calls on Israel to “take concrete actions to ensure UN personnel are fully protected” after shots were fired towards a World Food Programme (WFP) vehicle inside Gaza. (Israel National News' North American desk is keeping you updated until the start of Shabbat ...
Israel made serious accusations against UNRWA over links to terrorism for which no evidence has yet been shared. China is concerned about this, said Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations (UN). "China reiterates that, without solid evidence, it is unacceptable ...
The story of Israel in the wilderness is a story about children. Moses is worn out because all the people bring their disputes to him . . . “so and so did this, or that or the other.” But all of that came to an end on the Cross. There, the Judge dies . . . The King dies...
A statement issued after the cabinet meeting held Israel responsible for the safety and lives of the prisoners, calling on the international community to "protect Palestinian prisoners in accordance to international resolutions and UN conventions to save their lives and meet their demands." ...
Although not a prime public health concern, seasonal influenza remains a challenge in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This problem is augmented by the fact that the percentage of the population intending to take the yearly seasonal influenza vaccine is r
ERC-SyG-2020 951475, the Wellcome Trust (IA 200829/Z/16/Z), as well as the Oxford–Berlin Centre for Advanced studies. S.L.G. is funded by SciLifeLab and the Swedish Research Council VR (grant no. 2022-03077). J.F. acknowledges support from the Israel Science Foundation (grants nos...
“Israel has every right to remove this threat and return our citizens to their home safely. And that’s exactly what we’re doing,” Netanyahu said, eliciting applause from supporters in the gallery of the General Assembly. “We’ll continue degrading Hezbollah until all our objectives are me...
— “White House cancels meeting, scolds Netanyahu in protest over video,” by Axios’ Barak Ravid: “The White House canceled a high-level U.S.-Israel meeting on Iran that was scheduled for Thursday after Israeli Prime Minister BENJAMIN NETANYAHU released a video on Tuesday claiming the ...