According to a 2022 report by Pew Research Centre, there are 725,000 unauthorised Indian immigrants in the US, making them the third largest group after those from Mexico and El Salvador. Last year, the US Border Protection Agency, part of the Department of Homeland Security, apprehended 96,9...
Abram Nicholas Pritzker was the son of Ukrainian immigrants who settled in Chicago in the 1880s. He grew his wealth by purchasing real estate and businesses in the area, and today, the Pritzker family is known for building the Hyatt Hotel chain, among other enterprises. ...
Most undocumented immigrants don’t even come in via the Mexico border.In 2017, 600,000 people who had flown into the US with valid visas overstayed their visas. That year, some 300,000 people were apprehended trying to enter the US over the Mexican border. Between 2007 and 2016, far mo...
Border Patrol agents work to secure the border. Most fentanyl being smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico is coming in through official ports of entry, not carried in by people crossing the border illegally. Flights transporting detained adult immigrants and unaccompanied children are not secret, ...
the 1950s, stores stuffed with gewgaws made in China, always crowded and everyone having a great touristy time. And then there’s yet another one, down in theViaducto Piedadmiddle class neighborhood, populated by a more recent wave of immigrants, many of whom speak neither Spanish nor English...
Exhausted and abused asylum-seekers and undocumented immigrants are being greeted at the Texas border by police in riot gear, and herded into buses like cattle. That is not an overly-dramatized hyperbole,but a massive cruelty intended to score political points. ...
The personal authentic travels of a world-wide drifter, you'll always see pics of me at the locations being described (if the other blogs you're reading don't do that, odds are they were NEVER there, just saying...)
investing more into a corrupt regime which just stole elections in a way that would make the hardliners in neighboring Iran blush; suicide bombers are being directed by the Afghan Defense Ministry to blow up American journalists, leading to a dusty version of the ...
creating or at least sustaining migratory circulations between Eastern and Western Europe (Janta et al., 2015). This hints at changes in mobility practices and highlights the importance of VFR travel and its relational implications for immigrants. VFR should be considered seriously but the data curre...
Josh Muehlendorf, Chief Warrant Officer 5 with the US Army, worked with O’Hara when he was a senior instructor pilot of the battalion O’Hara was in. “I’ve flown dozens of flights with Ryan O’Hara, trying to tap into his expertise on Hoist operation,” Muehlendorf said. ...