TODAY, I COULD BE CONSIDERED a professional person of color because I've worked on race issues...Sen, Rinku
“It’s important for people in this church to know that we are not alone,” she said. “And it’s important for immigrants and refugees to know that they are not alone.“ Mack said she’s not yet sure how her congregation can help, and it’s not equipped to house immigrants. “Bu...
The place of immigrants in many Western nation-states has become one of the most salient issues shaping public debates in contemporary societies. Although immigrants make the receiving country their new home, the native population often views them not only as outsiders and as a threat to their ec...
Immigration is the act of coming to a foreign country to live. The act of leaving one’s country to settle in another is called emigration. Immigrants who flee their country because of persecution, war, or such disasters as famines or epidemic are known as refugees or displaced persons (DP...
Are illegal immigrants entitled to due process?Due Process in the United States:Due process refers to the right of an individual to be treated in a systematic, fair way by law enforcement and the judiciary according to a set body of laws. What this means exactly is a matter of debate and...
When well-developed countries see that their homeland is being "invaded" by lots of immigrants, they set new laws that make immigration harder. As a result of this, many illegal immigrants cross the borders and are eager to work, although they are paid only half the amount of money native...
“Boat People” People fleeing islands in the Caribbean and S.E. Asia (places where there are a lot of islands) Haitians sailing towards Florida Refugees Look back at your notes and rewrite in your own words a definition for “refugee” Think-pair-share How do refugees decide where to go...
Under either criteria there will be a tendency for immigrants to be favorably selected, although this is less intense under the later criteria. The overall favorable selectivity of immigrants, therefore, depends on the favorable selectivity of the supply of immigrants and the criteria used to ration...
strategies used in the five cities analyzed are not identical, the results show that during these years there has been a tendency to limit the approval of plans for the integration of immigrants, although this does not mean that the councils do not have explicit political priorities and ...
After WWII ended, the wave of immigration was largely due to the movement of refugees. In the 1950s and 1960s, the influx of immigrants was due to the end of colonization in Africa and Asia. Many people went to France and the United Kingdom. For example, the British Nationality Act of...