I’ve been fortunate to learn these e-bikes inside and out, top to bottom and front to back. That long-term experience with real-world e-bike testing has helped me find the best electric bicycles on the market for just about any budget...
Vintage and veteran bicycles of quality and how to preserve them for future generations, with a particular interest in the French 'constructeurs'. Please note all images are my copyright unless otherwise stated, and may only be us
*Lest we forget, Trump also called these guys “animals”, because he has a really good brain and he’s said a lot of things, and knows if people are telling the truth and being honest in the first five minutes of looking at them, and can tell if they want to be grabbed by the ...
otherwise we need to step away from the gas pedal and pedal the bicycles and use the public transport. Try walking and don’t complain about heat or cold, our grand parents were walking just half a century ago and they didn’t die. Actually they were far fitter than any of us without...
If there’s anything that pissed me off more than Airbnb customer service it’s driving in Venice. Narrow streets congested with drivers WAZEing their vehicles around parked cars, bicycles in the middle of the road, dog-walkers staring at their iPhone, and those helmetless BIRD scooter riders...
There was a time when bicycles were of a place, and framebuilders used miniscule differences to set their designs apart, and thus determine the use of that bicycle. You had the “BC Bike,” with a sloping top tube and a half a degree slacker head angle. You had the “East Coast Bike...
One or two of these instruments is going to be reliable enough that it almost never breaks the buck, and it will be a friend to humanity, empowering bicycles to fly over the heads of government employees. But the others, well, I think early adopters will buy them thinking they are about...