CAH is a national initiative that encourages people to share stories of hate and provides access to legal and social services. “As the Spanish-language network in the U.S. representing 60 million Latinos, it is our responsibility and commitment to U.S. Hispanics to provide support during ...
A unique chromatin signature uncovers early developmental enhancers in humans Nature, 470 (2011), pp. 279-283 CrossrefGoogle Scholar 61 J.R. Dixon, S. Selvaraj, F. Yue, A. Kim, Y. Li, Y. Shen, M. Hu, J.S. Liu, B. Ren Topological domains in mammalian genomes identified by analysi...
Are Eva and Eve confusingly similar?The article discusses a complaint filed by the company Philip Morris Products against Atsionerno Droujestvo Bugartabac Holding regarding the similarity of their respective cigarette brands.FactorJMBMichaelJMBManaging Intellectual Property...
edoxaban and rivaroxaban. In the UK, ~1.25 million patients receive long term oral anticoagulation, and worldwide warfarin remains the most commonly prescribed oral anticoagulant [3]; however warfarin has now been superseded by apixaban
(灵长动物学家),recognizes,a better way to think about other creatures would be to ask ourselves how different species have developed different kinds of minds to solve different adaptive problems.Surely the important question is not whether animals can do the same things huma...
Human infertility: are endocrine disruptors to blame?E N DudinskayaO N TkachevaM V ShestakovaN V BrailovaI D StrazheskoD U AkashevaO Y IsaykinaN V SharashkinaD A KashtanovaS A Boytsov
While COVID-19 has determined a change in the climate for business, it has also caused severe social dislocation. Different lockdown degrees, travel and large events bans and implementation of protocols to prevent the dissemination of the virus have negatively affected every aspect of our life. ...
Curcumin bioavailability may also be poor in humans, as either undetectable or extremely low serum levels of curcumin (0.006 ± 0.005 µg/mL at 1 h) were observed in humans after an oral dose of 2 g/kg [186]. It has been found that 10 mg/kg of curcumin given intravenously in rats...
Friends are the family u choose 特别特别喜欢我的朋友们,也很庆幸有这么一些好友,会为对方过得好而开心,会在难过失落的时候想办法互相cheer up,会常念叨给我做住家饭给我煮汤买喜欢吃的菜,会在我遇到事情...
Dogs have a less sensitive sense of taste than humans eva_blanco // Shutterstock Dogs have a less sensitive sense of taste than humans Dogs have fewer taste buds than we do: around 1,700 compared to our 9,000. This may be no surprise to anyone who's seen some of the gross things th...