It has to be cold enough and humid enough for the water emitted by burning fuel to freeze into what is essentially an ice cloud. The contrails can last hours if those conditions persist, but lifetimes vary a great deal. Much of the time, a short-lived contrail forms where it's not co...
7 The humans in my life are not the barren, self-absorbed "beautiful people" of the screen. We're ordinary, real, imperfect people. Together, we work hard stumbling through life, trying to be our best selves, knitting together families and friendships, and strivi...
Participants were shown a pair of people who were described as either both good or both bad. They were told that one of the people was good/bad based either on something about their nature (they were essentially good/bad) and the other had that characteristic based on the way they ...
not just because they steer money away from potential areas of business growth. There's also a sense that stock buybacks are part of thefinancializationof the U.S. economy, helping to change how we understand what corporations are for. The focus of companies should be on finding productive...
Isn’t that what everyone is doing. I know we consider those we care about when making decisions, but essentially our decisions come from our own personal perspective, not another’s. It is important to be strong and not allow our parents or anyone else’s negative feelings about us to se...
In societies which do not understand that they are fundamentally, essentially dependent on love. God is sent outside the walls to die. ‘Life’ so called has no Holy Anima, and increasingly mimics that of those forms of ‘life’ we have ourselves created without love, that is the machines...
They’re essentially the same. What you need to do is provide a bit of broader context (Situation or Problem), then talk about your actional plan and what you did to solve the problem (Task/Action and Action), and what were the results (Result). ...
“Weber’s error stems essentially from his exaggeration of capitalism’s role as promoter of the modern world” (Braudel 1979, p. 67). Alternatively, we may address the new systematic organization of the Jews within the framework of modern religion, and the place of individual ethics therein....
But they make it for humans, enthusiastically. However, they can't have it both ways: Either we don't assume humans are omnivores just because we can eat meat, or we apply the same standard to other animals and conclude that cats are omnivores, too. Which is it?
Essentially problems will turn up. One way to react to them is to talk with people in other laboratories who have faced similar problems. It should not be forgotten that Quality Management is a tool rather than a goal. The goal is quality performance of the laboratory. The philosopher Kant ...