The version of Christianity which says that humans cannot ‘go to heaven’ unless Jesus dies to seal a deal with the otherwise unapproachable God, not only seems to ignore the God who sits down at table with sinners, but also sounds suspiciously like a form of Islam . . . No. The death...
McCarroll, Pamela
and proven in how we love others. As followers of Jesus, our love should be more than words—it should be active, selfless, and transformative. God didn’t come to change sin in the world; He came to change sinners, calling us to reflect His love in everything we do...see more Fe...
and all creatures, humans included, “have their joy.” But difference soon declares itself: below and above, material and spiritual, this life and the next. Only humans partake in each of the oppositions, with “th’ one hand touching heav’n, with th’ other earth.” This is a great...
Thirdly, Americans believe humans are born sinners; Chinese believe in natural kindness. As a result, Americans are skeptical of the intentions and motives of others, whereas Chinese are more likely to believe that their leadership is acting in their best interests. So when there is a requirement...
We are sinners saved by grace. Without Jesus we stand no chance. Without Him we can’t be made right with God. It’s a really bizarre feeling to have planted my feet where Jesus stood. I’ll always treasure that short momentary experience. But I’ll always have the peace, joy and co...
Sin refers to (i) an existential state of spiritual immaturity or impurity to which we are all born (which attracts no guilt and demands no cognitive repentance), and (ii) volitional acts of defiance seeking autonomy (which attracts guilt and demands repentance)....
Good and upright is the LORD; therefore He shows sinners the way. He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way. Psalm 84:11. For the LORD God is our Sun and our Shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what ...
I said the sinners prayer around a dinner table that amazing day in 2009, and my life was changed forever in that instant. I had what some would call a “radical conversion moment” where one minute my life was going the wrong way and the next it was not. What I have found these ...
The benefits and blessings of God do not come as a result of any inherent goodness in us, only because of His salvation. He extended His grace to us “while we were yet sinners” (Rom. 5.8) and He continues to show us His grace by walking with us, forgiving us when we fall (1 ...